Students who are accepted from the best universities in the world are usually students from the best high schools in the world. As the College Partner, we prepare OR students in grades 6 through 11 for the most prestigious high schools in the world. These schools, called Boarding Schools, are mostly located in the United States. These well-established high schools in England and Canada have laid the foundations for many prestigious universities. In this service we offer one-to-one VIP consultancy, we also support students to prepare for the exams they are obliged to take. Students who receive support from the College Partner during the application process have the opportunity to receive a scholarship.

The application process of boarding schools is done in 5 steps

Preparing the lists of boarding schools to be applied

Determining requirements


Organizing school visits

Preparation of financial documents

Preparation for the exams with taking tests and creating exam calendars

The College Partner

is with the students and their families in

all steps of the application.

Required Exams of Boarding Schools

Each school can request a different exam. Examinations should be determined long before the application dates. Just fill out the Free Consultation Form to get the support of one-to-one preparation and application to prestigious high schools…


Secondary Student Admission Test

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Independent School Entrance Examination

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TOEFL Junior

Test of English as a Foreign Language

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Duolingo English Test

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Secondary Level Assessment Test of English

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International English Language Testing System

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Some of the prestigious high schools we’ve been consulting

We can also help with applications for schools you want to apply that are not on our list.

Boarding Schools

Boarding Schools

Boarding Schools

We help the student find their own voice.

Student Reviews

begum ortadogu - yurt dışı eğitim danışmanlığı - the college partner
“During high school I worked hard to be a suitable college candidate. After 11th grade, I had my academics in line. However, I was very indecisive about where to apply, which college to choose for early applications. Also, I was overwhelmed by the application process. How to apply was as important as where to apply. I especially needed help with applying for scholarships. Thanks to Mr. Topkaya, the application process went very smoothly. He helped me with all aspects of my college application and added that “something extra” to my application. He guided me on how to present all the work that I put into my application in the best way possible. He checked in with me constant to make sure I was on track during the application process, and could benefit from every opportunity. While working with him I felt comfortable and trust was never a question. Also, he gave me confidence I needed whenever I was in doubt. I am fortunate that I got to meet you, and work with you. Thank you for all the effort you put in my application and thank you for helping me grow as a person too!”
Begüm Ortaoğlu
Princeton Üniversitesi
Berke-Utku-ÖNDER yurt dışında eğitim the college partner
“I met İsmail when I wanted to produce something new, when I had great ideas. When we first met, I was a student who had just started high school with a lot of different things in his mind. More than a college counselor, İsmail was like a brother who supported my ideas and always guided me. From the first day we met, he was the one who constantly believed in me and my goals, showing the necessary steps to achieve my goals. From exams to extracurricular activities, to the clothes I wore, he was the one I could consult without any hesitation. During my university preparation period, İsmail contributed efforts at every point of my application. He was one of the people who helped me in the most stressful period of my life. Perhaps the goals I had on the way out were different, but even though my goals had changed, the support of İsmail never changed. He would say something that is dear to me: “College is not a prize to be won, it’s a match to be made”. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to make this match, İsmail.”
Berke Utku Önder
Yale Nus University
Can ÜNCÜ yurt dışında eğitim the college partner
“In this journey of mine, İsmail made me feel safe from the beginning till the end. The sibling relationship he built with me made me feel much more comfortable. His field of expertise and knowledge carries the students working with him to number one in the rankings He is also successful in providing life advice as well as being a training consultant. I see him not just as a counselor who helped me on my high school trip, but as a brother I will take his ideas for the rest of my life.”
Can Uncu
University of Toronto
Muhammed-AMAOUSH yurt dışında eğitim the college partner
“My acquaintance with İsmail and The College Partner started with the advice of a sophomore in high school. When I signed up, he transferred me to another consultant who worked for his company because of the high number of students he had, but when I first met İsmail, I was so warm towards him that I refused to work with another consultant. In an environment where success comes, there is always as much sincerity as professionalism. İsmail made me feel that he would provide this environment from the first meeting. And that’s exactly what happened. But I didn’t always listen to his words. Now when I look back, I tell myself that I wish I had listened, but we did it one way or the other; we all did it together. We walked through this period not only as a consultant and student, but also as friends, sometimes as a basketball coach and player, and sometimes as two people who share their troubles together. That’s exactly what working with İsmail was like. Of course, having a very broad vision is a plus, but what makes him different from other people is his kind relationships with others. Every time I said I screwed up, he motivated me. Every time I doubt myself, he reassured my self-confidence to me. Thanks to him, I never lost my faith in getting into an Ivy League school. The result turned out exactly what he said. In September, I’ll be studying at Brown University. I thank you very much for your care and efforts on me. I’m glad I knew you. In the future, when I tell my children about my educational life, what you have done for me will be in my stories. Who knows, maybe you will be counseling to my children in the future?”
Muhammed Amaush
Brown University
“I am beginning to write with questions in my mind such as where to start my journey with İsmail and The College Partner and would words be enough to describe him… No, he cannot be written down, he must be experienced. İsmail gave me the support that no one can give in my stressful and intensive university application process. He trusted me more than I ever did to myself, and he was the one who helped me in times of despair. He was just a phone call away when I had the slightest question mark in my mind and I could call him without worrying about the weekends or late nights. Every time I went to his office with questions about what these applications are going to be, I got out with 100 percent confidence. Since my family didn’t want me to go abroad, İsmail gave me the support I couldn’t see from them. In fact, İsmail convinced them in this process, and I don’t know how to thank him for what he has done to me. Now, as a student who completed his first year at McGill University, Canada’s favorite school, and made a double major, I know that the right decision I made was to go to İsmail . To my friends and acquaintances who will enter this process, I recommend İsmail . İsmail Topkaya is the one to choose to go through a perfect experience and achieve your dreams without any question marks in your mind. I thank you very much for your efforts again, my teacher.”
İlayda Özdemir
McGill University
“İsmail has always been very helpful throughout the entire application process. Both during the university research period and the follow-up period afterwards, he was always in touch with me and cared about me. With his usual smiling face, he encouraged me to do my best.”
Giz Belkaya
Northwestern University